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Application Successful!

Applicant’s Name: %student_s_name%
Index Number: %index_number%

This application is valid for 14 days from the time it was made. Please pay the admission fees before the 14 days elapse to secure a vacancy.

Click Here to Pay the Admission Fees.

After payment, wait for communication from school via your email %email_address% within 48 hours.

Application Successful!

Applicant’s Name: %student_s_name%
Index Number: %index_number%
Oral Interview Date: %oral_interview_date%
Oral Interview Location: St. Peter’s Naalya
Oral Interview Time: 9am – 5pm

This application is valid for 14 days from the time it was made. Please ensure that you follow up on your application before the 14 days elapse to secure a vacancy.